Buy Cy-Fair 4 Cy-Fair supports organizations and institutions that benefit and enhance our community.
Support our local economy by keeping our dollars in Cy-Fair.
Significantly More Money Re-circulates in Cy-Fair.
When you shop at locally owned, independent businesses more money is kept in the community because local businesses often purchase from other local businesses, and service providers. Buying locally helps grow other businesses as well as our region’s tax base.
Support our Non-Profits and Educational Organizations. Non-Profits often receive greater support from local business owners, sometimes as much as 350% more money, than they do from non-locally owned businesses.
Most New Jobs Are Provided By Local Businesses.
Small local businesses are the largest employers nationally.
Local Business Owners Invest In Our Community.
Local businesses are owned by people who: Live in this community; are less likely to leave; and are more invested in the community’s future.
Consolidated Mills is please to announce that it will donate $5.00, for every case of our Alamo Red “Texas Crafted” Fire Roasted Salsa sold, to the school or school’s organization that is chosen by the customer.
Go to the Support Page in our Site: Support CFISD

Build your custom case of salsa, choosing from our 3 Alamo Red “Texas Crafted” recipes.